13 May 2011

Death of a Dear Froggie Friend

So . . . um . . . how awkward is this? What does one say after a mere 734 days of stone silence?

I actually found the old place again earlier this morning. It's taken me this long to hack my way through the overgrown briars to the dashboard. When I finally reached the control panel I found everything covered in cobwebs and had to wait for reinforcements to arrive with Raid. (True only in a metaphorical sense. In real life I almost never kill a spider. What would Charlotte think?)

Today is a sad day in the Bloggernacle, and particularly for me. It is the next-to-the-last day of Six LDS Writers and a Frog. I just hit "Post" on my final Friday Frog Blog. There is a whole lot of irony in how bereft I feel. For almost five years I worried about those things. I agonized over what to say--and what not to say. I never passed a Friday without feeling terribly inadequate in comparison with the stunning writers who went before: Sariah Wilson, Jeffrey (J. Scott) Savage, Robison (Rob) Wells, Stephanie Black--she of the THREE WHITNEYS IN A ROW--and ever faithful, ever amazing Julie Bellon. I often regretted the posts I put up and felt shamed over the many, many weeks I let other things get in the way of writing anything at all.

So. Today. You'd think I'd feel nothing but relief, but what I feel is sad. I assure myself it is lunacy to cry over the passing of a blog when there is so much real tragedy over which to despair. Alas, myself reminds me that the deepest hurts are always personal in nature, always painful, and always relieved--at least a little--when shared.

So, I invited a few people over and buzzed in to straighten up a few things in case anybody shows up. I recognize that after so much neglect, I am likely to be alone here for some time (forever?) and that's okay. (The echo is rather comforting in itself.)

If anybody does happen in, I do have caution tape stretched out over there in the corner. I know it is trendy for bloggers to ask people to follow them, but that's so not me! Sometimes I plod. Sometimes I rival the speed of light. Mostly I stumble through life. But irregardless of the rate of progress I fear that I mostly move in circles. You'd have to be crazy to follow somebody like that!

But do check out the links and feel free to follow some of those people! You'll like where they're headed, I promise.