30 June 2008

For the Love of Reading

Based on the recent hours I’ve spent putting books on Shelfari, I was ready to claim I’d read way more than the average Blair. That’s probably true, but I must also admit that the incredible person who put together Provo Library’s summer reading list has me beat all hollow. I do believe she’s read everything I have and then some. The nicest thing about her list – and the reason I mention it here – is that she included Digging Up the Past, a book I co-wrote with my sister-in-law Christine Wolfe.

You can read the librarian’s brief description and kind recommendation HERE, along with a long list of other great books to check out. (Literally.) But be sure you come back when you’re done, because I have a surprise for you. Go ahead. I’ll wait.

Back already? Great! Since Digging Up the Past is out-of-print, you’ll have to search for it in libraries, at DI, or buy it used from an online bookseller. OR you can read it on your very own computer by visiting my new website! Go to my dot-net address and click on the “Fun Stuff” page. Next click on the cover of the book and it will link you to yet another site where you will right-click for a free download. (It sounds complicated, but it’s really easy.) The book’s all there with Chris’s and my compliments. If you like it, we’d love to hear from you!


smilingcarriester said...

Hey Kerry-
I tried to download your book, Digging Up the Past, but I couldn't figure it out--no other page came up for a free download, I found one for $5.95 e-book, but not a free one.
I sure loved that book though, it was great! I have always loved history and it was fun to read the spin you and your sister-in-law took on it.
I think you are amazing and I am so glad you blog so I can write you!
:) Carrie Lyn Foley

Kerry Blair said...

Oh, Carrie! Sorry, I sent you to the wrong page. (I'm SO glad you pointed it out.) I'll fix it in the blog, but in the meantime, go to the FUN STUFF page and click the cover there. I just tried it and it worked. If you have ANY trouble at all, shoot me an e-mail and I'll send it to you in an attachment.

Again, sorry for the mix-up. Fun to hear from you!

Pat said...

"More than the average Blair", I love it!
It's so great that the library featured your book - that one is one of (my 10) favorites of yours too!

Karlene said...

I got it. Thank you. I found a copy of Just This In a few weeks ago. I've got that on my list to read too.

AND KERRY! Send me your snail mail address so I can send you your prize from the Summer Road Trip. rakrose59 [at] hotmail [dot] com
